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Chien-lu Anderman  
Chien-lu Anderman  

Terracotta1.jpg| Gustav III
Terracotta2.jpg| Gustav IV

Latest revision as of 17:51, 2 October 2024


In the Emperor’s infinite wisdom, he knew that in time Andermani citizens would need a way to recognize those members that have truly made their mark by going above the call to serve the Empire. To that end, these individuals need to be remembered, honored, and celebrated for their contributions to the greatness of the Empire and to provide a living memorial for all to follow. To honor those that placed their service to the Empire above themselves, His Majesty set aside a large portion of the lush Imperial Garden at the Sorgenfrei Palace as a place that the citizens of the Empire could go and remember and celebrate these remarkable individuals and their contributions. These gardens have always been free to the public and are tended by a team of master gardeners from all across the galaxy. All of which was, and still is, paid for by His Majesty personally, as a gift to his people.

Each member inducted into the garden will have a statute commission of their likeness and a bronze plaque that briefly describes their contributions. These will then be strategically placed at intervals around the large garden to allow time for contemplation and reflection on each individual before coming upon the next. More centrally located along the entranceway are the statues of all but two of our past emperors. Gustav VI is located nearby and at the entrance to a special section dedicated to the descendants of his beloved Chancellor. Gustav Anderman I, is located just off the path around the Great Stupa at the center of the garden. There, his statue is seated at a table playing Go and drinking tea with the statue of the head of the colony he helped save so many years ago. These are the only two statues that are paired as well as seated. It depicts the time, effort, respect, and patience that the two men had to commit to form the foundation of what became the Empire. It also serves as a reminder of how everyone else honored in the garden has done the same in their time.

Annually, the Imperial Court celebrates the memory of the honored with a Beer Festival in the garden. The night before the festival officially begins, His Majesty will hold a private party for those immortalized in the garden, their family and/or descendants, and members of the Imperial Family. New honorees and/or their families are also invited, and it is at this time that their status is unveiled, and they are welcomed into the garden family. It has become tradition that His Majesty will walk the garden and as he comes to a statue will wait patiently for a member of the family to tell him a story about the person they were or are remembered by. These days it has become a well-choreographed event, but it has been said that on many occasions and after the official stories are told, His Majesty may return to a statue or two to hear more about a particular hero of the Empire. This has come to be seen as a way for His Majesty to be reminded of the price that has been paid for the Empire they lead and to never take for granted the role they and others must continuously pay to sustain it. These sessions have been known to take all night, depending on the stories told, and many an Imperial courtier has welcomed the sunrise with a toast of beer.

During the festival, the statues of new inductees are placed with those of the emperors near the entrance and then moved to their permanent location after the celebration has concluded. During the celebration, the Imperial kitchens produce many traditional foods and delicacies to be served around the gardens with a variety of exotic beverages and large quantities of beer made from hops and barley grown on Imperial lands for just this celebration. This is also a time when the Imperial family will take the opportunity to greet visitors, share or listen to stories of the honorees, and in general connect with the nobles and citizens of the Empire.

TRMN Rules

Within The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc., assignment to The Garden is one of the highest honors for members of the Andermani Empire; these members are considered to exemplify the very best in unswerving duty and service to the entire organization, with demonstrated and conspicuous accomplishment and achievement. Eligibility for consideration is limited to members of the Imperial Andermani Navy; other branches within the organization have their own, similar societies. Each year, a "class" of inductees is named in the fall months, with nominations being accepted in mid-September for a late October announcement.



Gustav Anderman I, Gustav Anderman II, Gustav Anderman III, Gustav Anderman IV, Gustav Anderman V, Gustav Anderman VI, Gustav Anderman VII, Gustav Anderman VIII, Gustav Anderman IX, Gustav Anderman X, Gustav Anderman XI, Jennifer von Tischendorf, Gotthold Reifenstahl, Yuèguìshù Shān, Marija Shenoa, Schwarzer Flügel, Jennifer von Tischendorf, Gotthold Reifenstahl, Hwa-zhyou Reinke, Bin-hwei Morser, Chien-lu Anderman


Class of 2024: TBD
