Protector’s Order 0501-17

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Protector's Order 0501-17 was issued 28 May 2017 by the High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy. It appoints a SMCPON for the GSN.

Order Text

To: All Officers and Enlisted in the Grayson Space Navy, the Royal Manticoran Forces, Imperial Andermani Navy, Republic of Haven Navy, and Allied Navies
From: High Admiral Thomas Saidak, DSO, KE, High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
Re: Awards (Protector’s Order 0501-17)

As of the date of this order, by my hand, and Under the authority of Benjamin Bernard Jason Mayhew IX, Protector of Grayson, I hereby award as follows:

SCPO Kathy Rau to the position of Bosun of the Grayson Space Navy.

Additionally, SCPO Kathy Rau is hereby promoted to the Rank of Senior Master Chief Petty Officer.

As such she is ordered to immediately report to my offices at Sword Hall. Upon her arrival, SMCPON Kathy Rau will execute the duties of her office, as the Intercessor gives her to understand them, effective 05-28-17.

Issued by:
High Admiral Lord Sir Thomas Saidak, DSO, KE, GSN
High Admiral of the Grayson Space Navy
Steadholder Henesey
We Rise to the Test.

See Also

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