BuPers Directive 1801-01

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This BuPers Directive was SUPERSEDED by BuPers Directive 2203-02

BuPers Directive 1801-01 was issued on 15 January 2022 by the Fifth Space Lord. This directive created the Bureau of Personnel's Office of Retention.

Order Text

To: All Royal Manticorn Armed Forces, all Allied Naval Forces, all Civilian Components of Her Majesty’s Government
From: Kim A. Niemeyer, KSK, KDE, SC, QBM

Rear Admiral of the Red RMN Fifth Space Lord (Bureau of Personnel) Baron, Bahia Cadiz

Re: BUPERS Order 1801-01: Establishment of the Bureau of Personnel Office of Retention

I would like to announce the official establishment of the Bureau of Personnel (BuPers) Office of Retention. The main goal of this Office will be to work with all Commanders, especially Chapter COs, to come up with detailed, personalized retention plans to help keep members interested and active within the Chapter. Eventually, it is also hoped that this will also impact those members who may have signed up but do not participate.

The Office of Retention will be initially staffed by two highly qualified and trained Navy Counselors. Therefore, I hereby order the following personnel to report to the BuPers Chief of Staff, Kapitain der Sterne Darran Hirose, IAN with all undue haste:

Commander Erikson: you will fill the billet of Director, Office of Retention

Chief Panter: you will fill the billet of CPOIC, Office of Retention

Official BuPers emails for both CDR Erikson and Chief Panter are forthcoming and will be promulgated via a separate BuPers Order.



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